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CanadianFlagIt saddens me deeply for not being able to attend today’s Hall Of Fame ceremonies due to health issues.

This is an annual historic event for the SSO and this year will be Lew’s 12th anniversary.  

I was delighted when my good friend Lew, emailed me and asked if there was any thing I’d like to say for being inducted to the Hall Of Fame Meritorious Service Category.

As a Director, Website Designer/Webmaster since the beginning 12 years ago, my thoughts were yes indeed I’d like to say something but how the hell I was going to do that, I had no idea.

After some time to think this over, I decided on trying this in the form of a poem, so ready or not, here it goes.

“First off I would like to thank Lew for his vision, motivation and all the things he does without a fuss.
If it were not for his actions and ambitions we would never have had the past 12 years of SSO Tournaments for us.

Next I want to thank all my friends I’ve come to know, including our staff, our volunteers and the competitors I’ve never met.
I am deeply humbled and honored to be part of this group, so my congratulations to all, before I forget.

In the very distinguished category of Meritorious Service, there is one who did reside.
Starting today, I’m proud to say, I’ll be standing by Lew’s side.

I know my bowling days have come to an end, but I still enjoy the memories that I had.
The camaraderie and the new friends I’ve made, only gives me joy and no reason to be sad.

I wish to congratulate all the new Hall Of Fame inductees today and not to forget the members from previous years.
I’ll wrap this up now to save some time, so Good Luck, Good Bowling and Good Health to the next pioneers!“

Thank you all for listening and a special thanks to Mike Snow and Kristina at the Plaza Lanes counter for their assistance. Enjoy the rest of the ceremonies!

Best RegardsThankYOU
Ed DeBlock