Congratulations goes out this month to former champion Pete Kaczmarczyk on winning his third SSO Championship by defeating Jesse Bowersock in the final match 237 to 194, taking home our top prize of $1000.00, the trophy and earning 10 more points towards our BOTY standings. Pete qualified 2nd. this month with a total pin fall of 1452 and an average of 242 in the qualifying rounds. Pete also shot two 300 games and an 803 series. Great bowling Pete!
Congratulations also to Jesse Bowersock on his second place finish, in a row, winning $500 and picking up 8 points towards BOTY again. Jesse qualified this month in 8th with an average of 232 and a total pin fall of 1392 for his first 6 games. This is the exact same qualifying score as his last singles event. In fact Jesse's final game score was almost identical as well ending up with a losing 194 (instead of last months 193). I guess you can say he's improving. :o)
This month's tournament was held at Plaza Lanes where we requested the Wednesday league house shot. We would like to thank the management and staff for hosting our tournament this weekend.
The Tournament Average was 213, or 3 pins higher than our previous singles event.
High Qualifier this month was Carl Kinyon with 1456 for 6 games, averaging better than 243.
It took a total of 1356 and an average of 226 or better to make our regular cut line set by Steve Barry.
We had 67 bowlers in attendance this month. There were 20 super seniors and 7 super super seniors and 3 women with the rest of our regular seniors.
We also had 23 bowlers advance to our Elimination Rounds, 8 SS and 1 SSS along with the rest of our regular seniors. This provided a little better than 1 in 3 cashing ratio for the tournament.
There were two 300 games both by Pete Kaczmarczyk today, one in game 1 of qualifying and the other came in Round 3 of our Eliminations. Pete also shot an 803 series in his first three games of the Elimination Rounds.
We are proud to have as our major sponsor for 2019
The SSO would like to thank everyone for coming out to compete. The SSO would also like to thank our sponsors; Ebonite Bowling Products, Red Robin, Turbo 2 in 1 Grips and the Hamtramck Singles Classic for their support of our tournaments.